According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue. 2 Peter 1:3

There are two things that produce what we become in life. The first is nature and the second is nurture. Every man or woman out there is a product of nature; spiritual and biological and nurture; upbringing, trainings, experiences etc. These two factors shape our destiny and determine our outcome more than anything else.

Everything God expects us to become has already been coded inside of us through His nature. As believers we have the nature of God called eternal life dwelling inside us. Prosperity is part of that nature. It is encoded in that nature.

God is not wealthy by possession alone but by nature that’s why poverty cannot thrive around Him. Out of that nature came all the heavens and the earth, the mineral resources in the land, the rich and lush agricultural plains, etc.

Everything was created out of eternal life which God possesses and gave to us. Eternal life is the source of creation; what God possessed before He brought forth everything. Out of it flowed forth the beautiful vegetations, the breathe taking scenery of hills and mountains and oceans, etc. That nature dwells in us as believers.

As long as you have eternal life, you have the life and nature of God 2 Peter 1:3 “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue”. The virtues, resources etc., you need to prosper in life have already been bequeathed to you when you received the life of Christ. As we nurture that life and all that comes with it. It translates into tangible wealth e.g, Solomon was given the spirit of wisdom by God and he was able to apply properly the things he learnt at the feet of David his father. Out of that nature can come, a billion dollar innovation, breakthrough ideas etc.

Say after me: “God has prosperity in His nature and I am God’s Seed, so I have prosperity in my nature”. You share the same DNA with God that’s why you are his offspring.

Declare aloud, I reject poverty. Prosperity is in my genes. It runs in my spiritual bloodline. I am Abraham’s seed. Glory to Jesus.

Pray for the Uganda missions by Pastor David Ogbueli this weekend that there will be an awakening and mighty move of God and souls will be won massively to the kingdom of God.