Lyrics: What would be your first point in trying to change the mindset of a youth out there?

Isreal Ekene: First thing as a youth we have to believe that “ We Can”. You have to develop confidence in yourself . Your Attitude matters it is not about the platform(APC PDP etc) it is about yourself.

Lyrics: When will you consider to be an early time to start?

Isreal Ekene: Once you understand you rights as a youth. As for me between the age bracket of 20 to 40. You must not occupy a political seat before you start making impact in your community. You have to start from your little environment. If you are a student what influence are you having on your fellow students .whatever platform you find yourself prove that quality of leadership in you.

Winifred: Would you say that there is high involvement and participation of youth in good governance and politics in Ebonyi state?

Isreal Ekene: I will say YES! Because according to my own point of view ,Ebonyi State current government is operating on 70% appointive Position and Elective Position 45% Because at the state house of Assembly majority of them are between the age bracket of 35 to 40.

Lyrics: Are seeing any room for continuity of such or is it just going to end in this very government tenor?

Isreal Ekene: Yes there is room for continuity. The current deputy Governor is 51years as of three months ago. I see him as a youth because the strength is there the agility is there.
Winifred: Has there been change as regards to other government ruling years to this very dispensation where youths are the one ruling?

Isreal Ekene: Yes I will say yes . Currently with what we have in Ebonyi state. The next election will not just be political parties, more youths will come out to contest.

Winifred: Don’t you think enough funding will be a problem for some who wants to start?

Isreal Ekene; You have to create a name for yourself. The Era of materialism in politics is drastically fading out because people can collect your material things and still vote for whom they want to vote for.

We should prepare ourself, how much do we know about politics how much do we know about leadership, we should be able deliver from within not just shouting party slogans or reading manifestoes .
People will want to hear “I have done this”. Not “I will do this”
It musn’t be about resources, for example during this COVID19 pandemic , how many youths have you mobilized to tell them about this COVID19 in the area of sensitization what did you do?. There is need for us to develop ourselves.

Winifred: Do you think youths in Ebonyi are much in holding leaders accountable?

Isreal Ekene: I give them 20/100 in that aspect. And to improve we have to develop love and unite with each other.we have to harness our potentials and help those doesn’t have this leadership potentials in them.

What I am saying in essence is that we encourage ourself rather than give our resources to the already made elders. Let us see how we can encourage our fellow youths. Lets us come together as CSO’s , Civil servants Organisations, as people outside politic let us stop promoting political Party and start promoting those things that binds us together and those things that’s starves the strength we have as youths . as we do that holding our leaders accountable will not be far fetched.