If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; 2 Chro 7:13

We examined some days ago how the remnant can stand in the gap and intercede for a person, or nation. The effect of sin cannot be overemphasized in the life of an individual. One of the major effects of sin is closed heavens. When God made man, everything was in a state of excellence and prosperity. God built the most beautiful garden with everything man needed and gave to man to continue to tend. The entire earth with all it’s available natural and mineral resources were at the disposal of Adam and Eve until sin came in and they were driven out of the garden with the curse of hardship placed on them.

Same consequence holds true today that when we continue in unrepented sin, it leads to closed heavens which is synonymous to hardship. Whenever the heavens are shut over a person, community or nation, it leads to terrible hardship. When Elijah shut the heavens and commanded rain to cease, the Bible records terrible famine in the land of Israel.

This is what sin does to us. It robs us of the favor of God, denies us access to angelic help etc, thereby allowing a season of financial and material hardship. The same way the earth is nourished for fruitfulness by the rain that falls from heaven so do we have a spiritual heaven over us from where the blessing of God pours down. “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” Mal 3:10.

The blessings of God from heaven, are poured out upon for increase, productivity, healing, favour, etc. One of the ways to ensure open heavens over your life is paying your tithe. Sin can shut those gates of divine blessings. Repentance removes these barriers and ushers the blessings of God one more time upon a person, nation or family. This is why after the high priest offers atonement for the people, he now proceeds to pronounce the blessings of God upon the people.
In this season Of atonement, as you seek the face of God in repentance, you will experience the blessing of open heavens in Jesus Name, Amen. To get back to the garden of Eden today, deal with the issue of sin. Jesus paid the price to remove the curse of financial hardship by wearing the crown of thorns.

Repent and turn away from every sin that has kept you bound and shut the heavens over you. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and begin to walk in the light of God's word so you can fulfill God's purpose for your life.
