Lyrics: Why do you think the government haven’t reacted to the issue of giving out loan presently.

Mr Ekene Odigwe: The reason is that we have a lot of persons wanting to take the loan And they are just taking this loan just for taking sake.Ok what if you say you want to go into agriculture and we ask what are you going into agriculture to do?, what solution are you providing?.

But many are not thinking of solution, Many are thinking of “Ego ga abata Na ya”.All you are thinking about is the money. All aspect of agriculture is solution driven. So as someone going for loan you should be able to identify the solution you are providing because if you do not know you will just fall in and fall out, the money you used will become a waste.
Femaleo you think this digital and smart Agriculture is necessary do you think it will attract more youths to go into Agriculture.So far with the experiences you’ve had.

Mr Ekene:Yes I think its Worth

Lyrics: Do you think we the young person in the south are prepared for this agriculture?..As a youth with little penny how can I start where do I start?

Mr Ekene: There is something Agriculture need to borrow from health and other Sectors. In health for instance, Its easier when peers talk to peers. In health sector we did that with HIV and other health issues.we need to build a frame work that in the next 20 years every youth need to know about Smart Agriculture.

Ebere Okoye: I think also the matter of introduction in Agriculture shouldn’t be a problem. We have a lot of kids who use tablet and smart phones.we are living in information technology era .in this era to get information from people who has already gone through some agricultural processes is easier.So I think lecturers should lecture students based on this digital or smart agriculture.

Mr.Ekene:The thing about branding and personal passion is that it takes a lot to conquer the environment and put on the need to be able to first of all understand yourself, that you will be able to do this agriculture ok in this agriculture I only know about agriculture as a business so I need someone that understand this agriculture and so start a conversation and social media has made this so simple. The IOT, there you can connect with people and discuss about this agriculture.

Lyrics: We are three persons with idea but we don’t have money. Mr A has consultant idea, Mr B has tech Idea and Mr C has Engineering Idea. And there is no money Idea. We have to look for money baa?

Ebere Okoye: Most times we focus so much on money forgetting to work on the Idea(Example forgetting that you have land at your village to start up something).
I for one believe that if you have an Idea for something then the something must give.its either you are talking people that knows about someone that can invest.Once you have the idea I think you should look for other person with little money and team up with them and then start up something or you can go government loans or bank Loans.

Mr Ekene: what of if these three persons with ideas .put together their ideas and then look for the money bag and then give out the person equity in their own business. We shouldn’t always think of money also we should also think equity to pay for money.So I am preaching for collaboration and cooperation.

Femaleo you think there are problems with digital or smart agriculture?

Ebere Okoye: Yea for instance if I should a drone and it spoils how do I repair here. If the drones should be in use then I think they should fix classes for drone repair in institutions. To help teach pupils about fixing of drones. Here Precision Agriculture is invited .Precision Agriculture is an Electronic method of Agriculture.

Calls /Questions
Caller: we have a very big piece of land in my community how do I set up a farm in my community.

Ebere okoye: Do you want to do it at as a community farm or a personal farm . If you want to set up something for your community, very important for you to set the structure of the company what it is going to look like. So let’s say your village is Ezechima Villlage. You have to decide how do you structure this thing, who is going to be the managing director, the igwe,the council of chief, you. Then next you look at how big is this farm then you need to start sorting for funding; if it’s a community land then its wonderful because then people can buy stakes at the beginning. You go meet investors in your village, your chiefs. You find out when you put all this together you will have a running company. The problem will now become Transparency with this investors. So you have to transparent with them.