*Comments and Calls from #theawakeningp on 12th august*

Caller1:If I want to go into agriculture which loan should I go for. What advice do you have for someone who wants to go agriculture and wants to go for a loan?

Mr.Alex: There is a disparity here, As a beginner in the field of agriculture you don’t even need a loan to start. Fundamentally you need loan but based on climate you are actually putting yourself into a long term liability struggle that is going to come after it because you are not even sure of the climate, you are not even sure of what your output will be like. Once in a while government will introduce some grants, some loan schemes and when they do then you can cue in because they are the one that took a step at first. But you cannot just as a beginner ,as a wanna-be, who hasn’t done anything in agriculture approach Bank of Agriculture for loan.

Caller2: My dad has been into local farming for years now with 15 plots of land. He is mainly into planting of yam but it seems not be yielding to any benefit for years now. Please what would be your advice to him?

Mr.Alex: There is a reason why the business is not working, he should find that reason and solve it, then you will start making good profit.
In the other hand the Reason might be geographical, in Agric you talk about yield, If he doesn’t have access to fertilizer and the kind of soil where he is farming is not helping the strength of the yield. Then not much we can do about that,He can just use the 15 plots of land for something else otherwise he will be stock in that struggle.

Lyrics: It is not everything that we are passionate about that we should do till we die. At some point you should be able to tell yourself “yam is not working lets try something else”.