Chika Mbah  is feeling Cool
4 yrs

What else is going on if not #covid-19. COVID-19 is real, and is here - wherever you are. I am not a doomsayer, I am not a pessimist, I am not a politician in the generally understood terms, though I believe that man (and woman) is homo politicus...a political being. I say it again, COVID-19 is here. But don't panic, just be sensible about it. In any case, las las we will all die and all die na die. But while you're at it be responsible for your sake and for others. Facemasks reduce the viral load in the common air space thereby protecting all. Use it. Wash and disinfect it as soon as you come home. Hand washing and/sanitising reduces the chances of infecting you, not just COVID-19 but many other infections. Practice it. Social distancing reduces chances of person to person transmission. Practice it.
They cost little but save a lot.
You are my brother/sister from another mother and I am your keeper.

Keep safe. Spread the word.