MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2020



*For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge, through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 1 Cor 12: 8-10(NKJV).*

We have looked at the other two clusters of Spiritual gifts:
•Gifts of Revelation - Gifts that reveal something.

•Gifts of Utterance - Gifts that say something.

Today, we will be studying, The Power Gifts- Gifts that do something. These are the gifts that manifest God’s power in an extraordinary way. They are: The Gift of Faith, Gifts of Healings, and the Working of Miracles.

*•The Gift of Faith
God has apportioned a measure of faith to everyone (Romans 12:3). However, this Gift of faith is different from the regular faith in the sense that it is the faith of God at work in you independent of you. In this case, you do nothing; God does something supernaturally on your behalf to enable you do exploits or to reach out in faith to do great works for God. All you do is speak the word, and God acts on your behalf, without any input from you. This kind of faith is unlimited in its activities. It can get anything done because it is the faith of God.

*•Gifts of Healings
Gifts of healings occur as supernatural healing of sickness and disease without any natural means. The gifts of healings is the only gift plural in function; this is because it manifests itself as gifts of healings over different sickness and diseases. What this means, is that someone might be gifted for the healing of cancer but might never be able to heal arthritis, which is not as a result of the limitation of God’s power but because there are different diseases in the world. The Gifts of healings operate to let people know that God cares and is touched by the feelings of our infirmities.

*•The Working of Miracles
In the working of miracles, God works through us to intervene supernaturally in the normal course of events. With the gift of faith, God works independently of us on our behalf, but in the gift of the working of miracles, God empowers us or works through us to do something supernatural. An example is when Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fishes, by giving thanks and breaking the bread (John 6:5-14). Jesus also walked in the working of miracles when He made some mud and used it to heal a man who was blind from birth. New eyes were created for the man, through the gift of the working of miracles (John 9:1-11).

Imagine going to preach the gospel and you are able to manifest these gifts, you have a whole throng of people who will follow you into the kingdom. This is the true purpose of the gifts.

•Covet earnestly the best gifts of the Spirit and pray for the release of these gifts so that you can begin to function supernaturally.

•Ask God to activate every dormant gift in the body of Christ to enable us manifest them in a time like this when men are in dire need of the power of God.

I have the gifts of the Spirit inside of me, no affliction or plague will come near me but I shall dispense the power of God to perform signs and wonders to the Glory of God.