Of course, indomie generation Christians that don't understand jack about Christianity have descended on a man who mustered so much courage to still talk about God after the loss of his wife...

Foolish generation that only understands Christianity of comfort.

The dealings the man had with God, you don't know.

The cries the man had to cry before mounting pulpit to preach you don't know

The death the man have had to die, you don't know

The cross the man is crucified on, you don't know

While you're blinded by mediocrity and hoping that every one is like you that doesn't have a walk with God, you forget that God instructs us not to weep hopelessly when someone we love dies if the person is saved..

I read a post yesterday where someone was condemning people suffering from persecutions...

That is how depraved this generation have become.

He should not preach immediately after the death of his wife because you called him na?

The same people that'll say it's all about money, when they see people doing things that is beyond them, they start looking for a way to explain it away

There are men making consecration at this hour, you better believe it.

Because pastoring and ministry to you is a business venture where lazy men feast on people 's funds.... You assume every minister is not genuine

Allow this man of God
Leave him with God
