In 2017, I tried my hands out on farming where I planted different crops on 6 plots of land.

My experience was quite interesting - some crops did pretty well (cucumber, water melon and akidi) and some (the maize) didn't see the light of day because of monkeys in that area.

After this one episode, I quit due to the stress I went through.

However, something keeps drawing me back to this vocation and so, I have decided to try a different approach right from my house.

I heard about sack farming and have decided to give it a shot.
Last week, I decided to experiment with planting yam and see how it goes.

I am doing a test run with just 2 bags; if it goes well, many more bags will show up to do the Lord's work of feeding his sheep.

I will keep us posted on how this goes.

....wish me luck!
