This guy was single that year.

A successful medical doctor here in the US.

He decided to go to Nigeria to 'find a wife'.

He got introduced to this gorgeous final year student in IMSU.

He loved her when he saw her & made it clear from day one that he was seeking marriage.

Things worked well & he came to 9ja, they wedded & in no time, she joined him abroad.

They discovered she was pregnant almost immediately she came to the US and they had a set of twins, a boy and a girl.

All was well.

One day, she was at a nail spa, getting her mani and pedi done and was on the phone with someone.

She was telling the person in Igbo that their kids were doing well and that the 'mumu' thinks they belong to him.

She was also telling the person that once she becomes a citizen, she'll file for divorce, come home marry him and bring him over.

Citizenship through marriage, all things being equal, is 3 yrs for a green card holder.

So she had 2 yrs to carry out her plans.

There was a mixed chick sitting next to her in the spa.

Unknown to madam wife, this mixed chick is Igbo too.

The chick was shocked & secretly took a picture of her & started recording too.

Coincidentally, the mixed chick's husband is the President of the Igbo community in their area.

She sent the picture to her husband and asked if he knew the lady, then proceeded to give him the tea.

Her hubby recognized her as the doctor's wife.

So Igbo Community president reached out to the doctor & invited him for a chat.

When they met, he played the wife's recording for him & Mr Doctor almost passed out.

To verify the info he received, he decided to secretly carry out a DNA test.

Indeed, the twins were not his biological kids.

He was broken, but never confronted his wife.
He stayed a loving & devoted hubby.

He managed to play along while making his own plans.

When he was ready, he started putting his plans into action:

1st, he told his wife that he lost his medical license & therefore couldn't practice as a doctor again.

He asked her to get a job while he tried to figure things out.

Then after a while, he let her know he couldn't afford their mortgage anymore.

So they moved into a 2-bedroom apartment & he put up their massive 6 bedroom home for sale... & 'sold it'.

He then invested majority of his funds in a 'business', and the business failed.

So he was br0ke.

He sold his car & both of them started managing the one he bought for her 'when the going was good.'

Whatever a wife would get after a div0rce, he made sure they were unavailable!

His wife couldn't understand what was going on.

She was now the breadwinner!


When the 3rd year came, he let her know he couldn't afford to pay for her to file for her citizenship since cash was tight.

She got upset and told him she wanted a div0rce.

Then she filed for one.

When they declared assets, the court determined she earned more money and would pay him spousal support.

She married a rich man. Wozgoingon?

Also, since he had no source of income and they had shared custody of the kids, she would also pay him child support.

That was when the wife made it known that he wasn't the biological father of the kids.

The man brought out the DNA test results, let the court know he was aware but that he loved the kids, takes care of them while she goes to work and has been a good father to them.

Besides, his name is on their birth certificates too.

The court then determined she would pay him child support till they turned 18.

The lady cried shamelessly in court. She wanted to faint!

Nobody explained these things to her.

Divorce went through.

She always had next to nothing each month, after paying him child and spousal support.

She was barely getting by.

She couldn't file for her boyfriend, the biological father of the twins to come over.

Money for ticket to 9ja, she no even get.

She had just enough to pay bills, monthly.

Mr Doctor?

He vacated the 2-bed apartment & moved back into the 6-bedroom home.

Wifey went back to court & discovered house documents were not in his name!😂😂

A friend legit bought it but 'gave' it to him to stay free of charge since he had no accommodation.

The failed business was also an arrangement between him and his younger brother.

His funds were intact, just not in his account.

His shipping company was also registered under his brother's name and making so much money.

Nothing could be traced to him.

He planned his exit for 2 whole years with the help of his attorney friends and family.

May the Lord deliver us from all eevvuuull!

Much love ❤️ ⚘️

Cc: Chi Nwanyi Doz Emezi

I love love love love this story and how it ended that I just had to share it with you all my people

Like I always say, the breakdown of a marriage both in Naija and abroad is not always the man’s fault. A lot of women bu Ekperime and they are the root cause of many marital issues both home and abroad

May God always expose them Amen 🙏🏽

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