Ministering: Pastor John Maduka
Topic: Channels of Harvest
Text: Isaiah 55 vs. 11, Philippians 2 vs. 9, Psalms 102 vs. 13, 2 Chronicles 20 vs. 20, 1 Kings 4 vs. 8, 1 Samuel 1 vs. 18.

Charge: One of the reasons why you don't have a harvest is because you have been locked out of it, but we are here to break those gates open.

Let sorrow be far from you. Don't count what hasn't shown up; count what God has done and what is still in the process.

Channels of Harvest
1. The First Gift for getting our Harvest is Thanksgiving.

2. The Second Key is the Gift of Men: Men are God's authentic channels for obtaining your harvest. Men are in charge of the earth, and understanding the gift of men helps you gain access to the blessings of God.

Follow peace with all men in the season of Harvest because God can use even the devil to bless you. God does not function only with the good or the bad. He can use anybody to bless you. Be sensitive to the flow of Grace. It's not time to be a lone ranger or miss church. It is a time of synergy because men are channels. Men are God's channels.

3. The Priesthood: There are natural men and there are spiritual men whom God uses to bring us into seasons ordained by God.

There is always a priest who activates every breakthrough recorded in the scripture. Enthronement is brought about by priests. The priesthood is God's supernatural means of passing blessings across to us.

(Genesis 22 vs. 8) With sacrifice, what you have is seed and harvest. Sacrifice provokes instant results.

* Between now and December 31st, we command every gate shut against you to be broken in Jesus' name.

* From the north to the south, let your harvest start locating you in Jesus' name.

* In a season of harvest, you must carry joy in your heart and be thankful.

* This season, make every day a Thanksgiving day.

* Never allow the events of the day to douse your spirit.
