Ministering: Pastor Chioma Amanda Nwoba
Topic: Reaping the Harvest
Text: Genesis 8:22
Charge: Your harvest meets your needs. The way God operates is that when we have a need in our lives, He sends us a seed that, when sown, produces the harvest.

A seed locked up somewhere won't give you a harvest until you sow it. If you leave your seed dormant, the harvest will not manifest. Harvests are reaped; you don't just sit down and expect them to come to you.

Is there a harvest? Yes, according to Genesis 8:22. Though physical harvests are limited, spiritual harvests are eternal.

You can never be a cheerful giver if you don't know how to receive. If you understand that you can't outgive God and that your giving is not commensurate with your harvest, you will sow.

Most times, when you don't know how to reap your harvest, someone else can tap into it. We must learn how to receive.


1. Believe: Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
2. Sow with expectation: Always expect a harvest when you give to God. If you don't expect a harvest, you won't get one. You should actually evolve in your giving.
3. Position yourself well to receive your harvest.
4. Men: How you treat people matters. God uses people to send you a harvest (1 Kings 17:7-9). Don't despise people, no matter how big.
5. Thanksgiving: Be a thankful person (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Life is underrated.
6. Prophet:
7. Prayer: (Zechariah 1:18-21, Psalms 65:11, Job 36:11, Isaiah 62:7-9).

