The other day, my 4year old came back with a tiny, broken toy bicycle and when asked who gave it to him, he said it was his teacher.

We put a call across to his class teacher to confirm this and she said the bicycle had been seized from another pupil because of distraction in class and she didn't give it to anyone.

Well, my son wasn't allowed to play with the toy at home and the next day, I handed it over to his teacher with a request that she should discipline him in front of his classmates.
It was in the course of my discussion with her that she told me some weeks ago, one hundred naira note she left on her table went missing and none of the pupils admitted to have taken it.

When he got back, I asked him about the bicycle and he said, "my teacher collected it and flogged me one; she said don't steal, don't lie".

Why am I sharing this? As parents, we need to be deliberate in raising the next generation of leaders.
The current leaders who are giving us headache right now came from homes whose parents probably didn't nurture right.

When a child understands that there would be consequences or blessings for their actions, they get to think before making their move.

...but if we create a society where actions have no consequences, we effectively create one where the leaders can do things and get away easily.

Listen, the child you don't train today will create problems for all of us tomorrow.
If we all do our part as parents, our problems tomorrow will be reduced and we can all go to our graves in peace knowing that we laid the foundation for a better society for the next generation.

I pray God give us the wisdom to do what is right in securing the future leaders of this country.