During the cashless policy I had no cash on me and transfer wasn't working so I decided to try my luck by visiting the bank around my area of residence, maybe I could get cash.

When I got to the bank, it was a very long queue that seemed endless, but I had to wait because I can't afford to pay charges to all those pos agents. Imagine paying 2k just to withdraw 8k.

I stood at the queue for over 2 hours, some people where even sitting down at one corner waiting for their turn due to the fact that they were tired but unfortunately had to wait.

I don't know what made me look back, there I saw an old man, who looked exhausted and stranded. I tried shifting my attention from him but one mind was telling me to swap with him, it was two people left before it gets to my turn but the old man still had about an hour to stand at the queue.

I won't lie to you that was the most difficult decision I had made in my life, after waiting for long then I will just let an old man take my turn then I will go to the back and start queueing again. After so much thought in my head I had to give in and let the old man take my place.

It wasn't long after I let the man take my turn, I started hearing mumurs from the front. "cash have finished oh" I heard a voice say from the front, it was after the mans withdrawal this happened. Wahala this would have been me withdrawing my money chai I said to myself and was turning to leave in disappointment.

Then I heard a voice "My son" I turned eventually it was the old man calling me.

"Good day sir", I greeted while trying to hide the disappointment written all over me.

"Please take this", he said and stretched his hand towards me.

"No thank you sir", I said bluntly rejecting the money he was offering me.

"Just take", he said calmly, actually what I needed was just 3k to settle the mechanic that is fixing my car over there, he pointed towards some distance", but here take this extra 7k I withdrawed I know you need it.

My audience, immediately I collected the money and thanked him, I was overwhelmed and flabbergasted to an extent some of those who were watching me and the man smiled and looked surprised.

"Pardon me" he further asked "please your name"???.

"I'm kelvin sir", I responded sharply.

"Hope I'm not being too interogative", he asked.

"No sir", I responded.

" Alright you're working right"???, He questioned.

"Yes sir, I'm a primary school teacher", I responded feeling ashamed.

"You must be a graduate", he said but nevertheless here is my complimentary card, I have a job for you if you don't mind.

"Wow", I said with my mouth widely opened." Thank you sir", was all I could say and he bade me good bye and left.

I called him during the weekend and he offered me the position of a PA(personal assistant) to himself. He owns a real estate firm that have branches in about 40 countries and eventually since I started working with him I have traveled to 15 countries.
In all the country we visited, he bought me a landed property there, today he gifted me a car as a birthday surprise. He left me a note in the car with an inscription "A HELPING HAND WILL ALWAYS GET HELP".

I read it with tears rolling down my cheeks, I graduated from the University since 2018 with no appointment in private or government parastatal/office, I ended up being a teacher but look at me today I have everything I need to keep body and soul together.

What if I didn't help the old man that day???.

Don't help people because you want something in return.

Just a little help can put a smile on someones face today.
Spread love and feel loved.


©️ JJ Princenicholas

16th October 2023

I copied this message and posted it here because it blesses me. Hope it will help you too. There is nothing we sacrifice that will not be rewarded. God’s abundant blessings.