Mrs. Ezeifedi

Our primary 5 class teacher in Elizabeth Fowler Memorial primary school, on Mercy Eneli street Surulere taught us a valuable lesson on photosynthesis I'll never forget.

She never knew I would go into farming but she taught us.

"....Bring 4 seeds of beans, two cut open tins of milk...."
We brought them.

She planted two seeds each in a can, placed one can on the window and the other can in the class cupboard...

Then the miracle happened.

The seeds in the can outside by the window sprouted and grew well....the seeds in the wardrobe sprouted by were stunted.

She brought them out after two weeks and boom! A perfect example of photosynthesis that never left my mind till date.

Plants can't survive without light.... remove light and they're dead..... fast forward to today.... I'll be on the farm in the morning and see the beans plant facing the sun as it's rising and in the evening still facing the sun as it goes down.

Nature knows it's source and it relies on it unashamedly...

Humans know their source but ego, pride, selfishness and hardness of heart won't let us admit it.

That's why some people lead stunted lives... instead of humbly admitting their inadequacies and seeking help.... they boastfully stay in the dark (mediocrity) and remain stunted.

The first place to start seeking for light is seeking God through Jesus His Son....

He loves you and desires your success more than you even desire it...He is the way, the truth and the light...

You will succeed.

~ Efeoghene Okposio