She said it.

Loudly and angrily over the phone.

To the shock of him who was at the other end of the phone and the hearing of his colleagues who were in the office with her.

This villain who is his boss.

Who is close to the ground in height and pinchomic in size.

And over twelve years younger than him.

Because he called her up to tell her that he can't come in to work because his wife had gone into labour for their first child after fifteen years of marriage and he has to be there with her in the labour room.

"... How dare you call me to tell me this rubbish. When did that start? What makes you feel you can call me to inform me, instead of, to take permission? Is it that you no longer respect my authority in this office? You no longer fear me? Let me tell you in case for some stupid reason you have forgotten. I am a female mosquito. I suck blood. Don't you dare try me in this office. I will devour you. I am a principality and power. I am a territorial demon. My spiritual wickedness is in high places. It is not by playing I am nice that I got to this level. Go and ask about me. I play only to win. My team should only play to win. It is live and let die with me. I am a lioness. I want to deal with only people who deal with lionesses. How can you marry a woman that needs you to be there to hold her hand during labour? What kind of a woman is that? I have two children. I gave birth to them without my husband in the room with me. That is the kind of man I want to work with. Your marrying a woman who needs you in the labour room with her shows that you have a very poor sense of judgement. For you to also jeopardize your ability to provide financially for them in the long term because you want to show emotional support in the short term also speaks to your poor decision making skills. This is definitely an appraisal issue. I want you at the office in the next hour or your wife and your unborn child will have a jobless husband and father to call their own..."

And he went back into the labour room, kissed his wife on the forehead, explained to her that he had to leave, she nodded in tears and watched him hurry out of the room.

He was at work when the call came in that his wife had given birth to a baby boy.

And both her and the babe were doing fine.

His colleagues jubilated and celebrated with him in their open style office.

In less than thirty minutes, after he had called his wife over the phone in joy.

His boss walked into their office were they were all still celebrating the birth of his son.

And said with a broad smile.

"Congratulations! I heard you are now the father of a baby boy and your wife is doing well. I am so happy for you. God is good. Please give me the address of the hospital were they are, so that I can stop by after work to visit your wife and your baby and give them a gift..."


Jude Idada
September 3, 2023