He was deadpan.

As he told them.

His twin children

After they had asked him repeatedly for their school fees.

"You and your mother have accused me of giving you silent treatment. I am not. Your mother knows my stand on this your school fees issue."

The younger twin asked.

His voice with a veneer of irritation.

"What is your stand?"

"I have told her that I am waiting on him to give it to me so that I can give it to you."

Completely frustrated, the older one asked.


"Your father."

The twins stared at him confused as he sat there, barechested.

His close-to emaciated body covered in sweat as he watched the blank television screen.

The younger one was the first to speak.

"You are our father."

He turned to the twins, his faded ankara trousers bunched at his crotch, his eyes open wide in consternation.

"Who told you that lie?"

The older one thundered in anger.

"If you are not our father then who is our father?"

"I am only your guardian. God is your father..."


Jude Idada
August 27, 2023