Ministering: Pst. Nnamdi Nwoba
Topic: Love, Family & Relationships series
Text: Hebrews: 13 vs 4-6, Ecclesiastes: 9 vs 9, Proverbs: 5 vs 18,
Charge: The bedrock of every society is the family.

The foundation of the family is marriage.
The bedrock of every marriage is two individuals.
The same structure that runs the trinity is the same structure God instituted in the family.

The family lays the foundation for every man. People have to be successfully single before they become married. You can be single and whole.

Biblical facts about marriage:

1. Marriage is good: Proverbs: 18 vs 22
2. The marriage bed is undefiled: There’s no room for adultery in marriage Hebrews: 13 vs 4-6.
3. Marriage is a joyful thing: Ecclesiastes: 9 vs 9, Proverbs: 5 vs 18.

Types of men that women don’t like:

1. Authoritative men - a man shouldn’t use the authority God gave him on a woman.
2. Unfaithful men: Proverbs: 20 vs 6.
3. Lying and dishonest men. Men should be open to their wives in all things. Marriage demands transparency.
4. A hot-tempered and violent man.
5. Unspiritual men: 1 Timothy: 2 vs 11.
The man is the first spiritual covering in a family.
6. Unromantic men: Romance is the key to a woman loving a man deeply.
7. Stingy men: Any man that cannot give to God cannot give to you as a wife. Learn to be financially free to your wife.
8. Women don’t like lazy men: A man should work hard to take care of his family Proverbs: 20 vs 13.
9. Women don’t like men who are not confident.
10. Unaccountable men.
11. Inconsiderate men.

Types of Women that Men don’t like:

1. Over Independent women
2. Saucy women: Proverbs: 31 vs 26, Proverbs: 21 vs 9.
3. Men don’t like cheap women:
4. Men don’t like unattractive women.
5. Look good but do not expose your body.
6. Men don’t like women who are masculine.
7. Be a feminine lady.
8. Unintelligent women: You must not know everything about something but know something about everything Proverbs: 11 vs 22.
9. Undomesticated women: Men love homely women.
10. Extravagant women: Help your husband to save money.Proverbs: 19 vs 14.
11. Men don’t like women that are not accommodating.
12. Every man wants a large-hearted woman.
