Ministering: Pastor. Nnamdi Nwoba
Topic: Marriage God's design
Text: Isaiah: 12 vs. 3-5, Ephesians: 5 vs. 22-25, 1 Corinthians: 13 vs. 4-5, Colossians: 3 vs. 18-21, Malachi: 2 vs. 12-14
Charge: Marriage is God-ordained.
Joy is a form of energy of the spirit, Joy is supernatural.
No physical thing can bring Joy. Marriage is the passport or visa that begins a family unit and the family unit is very important to God.

Marriage is a blueprint of the relationship God functions with in heaven.
A woman's duty is to submit to her own husband. A man's role is to love his wife like Christ loved the church. If you have not completely understood exactly how Jesus Christ loved the church, you have no business with marriage. As sweet as marriage is, it has responsibilities.
Knowledge is the basic raw material you need to have before you get married.

You need to get knowledge on marriage before you enter into it.
The most foundational knowledge you need to have before marriage is the knowledge of covenants. You don't walk into marriage with only emotions.
Covenant is what sustains marriage.
When emotions are up, there are certain things you must never do.
What should drive our actions in marriage is the covenant.
Emotions are unstable but covenant is stable. (1 Corinthians: 13 vs 4-5)

The institution called marriage is very important to God.
The covenant vows you exchange in marriage are not just about you... it's generational. Stay away from marriage if you're not ready for it (Colossians: 3 vs 18-21). Trust is one of the biggest commodities you need in marriage.
One of the reasons for marriage is partnership.


1. Compromise: You must have the mindset that marriage is about the other person not about you.
Marriage is a competition of love...

2. Communication: communication is the key to every marriage relationship.
One of the most important things you must fight in marriage is pride.
Always find a way to communicate effectively and openly.
Communication should be plain, regular, open, and direct.

3. Don't hide your needs.
4. Don't downplay trust and honesty.

One of the biggest things that damage trust in marriage is the things that you do before marriage.,
It is God that holds us responsible for the things we do to our spouse in marriage (Malachi: 2 vs. 12-14)
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