I called up a friend yesterday to check up on her.
In the course of our discussion, she said she was getting most of her sales from online channels than offline channels.

Last week, one of my clients who I designed an Ecommerce website for but had not fully utilized it, talked about how most of the traders in the market who were making most sales are utilizing online channels; while those who relied solely on walk-in customers were doing pretty poor on sales.

This reminded me of how I maintained an expensive office space for 2years and could remember how many times my clients actually visited me within that period.
If I had not consciously moved all my business processes online, I would have been in the village by now.

Dear business owner, the business landscape is rapidly changing such that most transactions are done virtually.
If you are yet to setup a proper online business structure, you will get frustrated over time.

If you are confused on how to get started, speak to a professional to help you craft a path to building an online business.

Your customers now increasingly spend more time online and also carry out most of their purchases online; only those who position themselves well will milk this new market.

Type in the comment section 'Ecommerce' if you need help setting up your online business.

To your success!

#ecommerce #onlinebusiness
