Go through this write up and judge accordingly πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

A member of a church underwent a major operation, and his medical bill was N250,000. And he couldn't afford it.

His brother went to the Pastor on Sunday and told him to assist. The Pastor picked the microphone and told the church that our brother needs N250,000 to settle his medical bill.

Members began to donate.

After donations, what was realized was N830,000. And after the church, the Pastor counted N250,000 and gave the brother to the sick person, and then he put the balance into the church account.

The sick person's family are aggrieved. They're of the opinion that members raised that money for their brother and not the church so the church has no right to keep back any amount given to their brother. Cos the announcement was specifically to raise money for the sick brother.

The pastor is saying that they requested for N250k and he has given it to them. So whatever is left belongs to the church.

What is your take on this❓