Business owners with understanding know that social media channels are temporal and simply what they are - channels to get new leads and prospects.

They understand that they are tenants and have little or no control over their social media handles as it can be lost at any moment - unintentionally.

So what do they do?

They either consciously obtain the contact details of prospects through offers on a platform outside social media or they send them directly to their websites to purchase their products or services.

If you have been in business for quite a while, and you rely solely on your social media handles to manage and sell to your customers, and you still don't have a system in place where your customers can reach you asides your social media handles, you are playing an expensive game.

You have simply placed an order without Stop Loss!

Have you thought about what will happen if you lose your social media handle?

How quickly will you bounce back if this ever happens?

Even if you never lose your account, do you have control over the algorithm of your favorite social network?

Can you predict the next policy your government will create that will make it difficult for you to use your social media app of choice?

These questions have been asked to help you stay on top of your game.

If you are yet to get a website for your business, start planning to get one.

Send me a DM, so I can help you plan your website structure based on your business goals.

I have helped plan and build lots of websites for businesses of different sizes; yours will be no different.

If you found this post insightful, please Like and Share it in your space.

Best regards!
