
When after six months of calling somebody "my love" "my world" "my destiny"
and throwing "I love you" and "I love you too" back and forth like water, and you still can't place a hand on what is going on then,
there is problem.

Seek clarity now, before you will ask someone tomorrow "what are we?" and they will reply you that "we are nothing but Pencils in the hand of the creator" after 5 abortions

Are you guys just friends?
Are you guys dating?
What is happening?

Don't allow emotions to make you start doing something and yet not know what it is you are doing.


Even before the Relationship starts, settle the why.

Is it Love?
Is it pity?
Is it Lust?

If there's one question I always ask people who come for counseling, it's "Do you love him/her?" and "Does he/she love you"

If No, then Why are you/they doing it?

I once asked a lady if her boyfriend loves her, and she said she doesn't know.

You should be able to know for sure to a large extent if he or she professing love truly loves you or not, so you don't get played.
Some People only come into your life to eat your money and waste your time. Shine Your Eyes.

After 3 years of dating, you still don't know where the Relationship is going.

The Relationship is going, but you don't know where it is going, It's alright
But you know that's how people get lost sha.

My Sister, My Brother,
A JOURNEY without a DESTINATION is most likely going to end up as a WASTE OF TIME for either one or all of the people who embarked on such a journey.

A Serious Minded Young Man walking up to a lady should have settled in his mind what he wants from her before ever approaching her.

Statements like "I don't know for now, let's see how it goes"

You don't know what?
You don't know for now, and you want me to be waiting, till when?

"Let's see how it goes?" Really?
Yes, every Relationship must not end in Marriage, we agree, we know, but let us know if you were even aiming to end in Marriage self or you came to chop and clean mouth..

Ladies, Fear any young Man that cannot answer you this question "Where is this Relationship headed?"

And young Men, before you start pestering any lady for a Relationship, answer that question.

"Where do I want it to end?"

Is it Marriage? If yes, are you ready for Marriage in the next one year? Before you waste a ladies time.
By all means possible, Young Man, don't keep any lady waiting.

Wasted time is Wasted Life.

YES, When.

There was no way I'd teach on Clarity in a Relationship and not talk about this aspect.

Many ladies I've counseled tell me each time they ask their 'fiancees' when he intends to "do something", the replies are usually one of the following

✔ī¸ Don't rush me or put me under pressure (I hear, when you were rushing her for answer nko)
✔ī¸ When it's time I'll let you know. (no problem, even if it's not going to be now, tell me WHEN you have in mind, is not a Sin if I know in advance)
✔ī¸ I'm nor ready yet (and you asked her out, soldier ant bite you there)
✔ī¸ I want to make money first (this is why many People are celebrating seven years Relationship anniversary oh, ordinary introduction they have not done)

Sir, You asked a girl out, she agreed, she loves you and you love her but after four years of relationship you still don't know when you plan to take things to the next level. Sir, are you not sure something is wrong with your head laidis?.

Why did you not kuku stay on your own jeje,.

I will now ask Jane out this 2019, and by 2023, I'm still telling her "don't rush me, I don't know when yet"
is like we will start sending thunder that does not have respect, thunder that is arrogant to strike some people so they will behave well.


I also ask this question

Your children won't chose their father, or Mother, You will.
"Till death do us Part"is a serious declaration.

Have you studied this Person before you even started the Relationship?

Relationship of 2 years with somebody you are still not sure.
If he proposes now nko?

Before you even start a Relationship, start with friendship and find out some basic information about the person.
✔ī¸ Is he or she born again?
✔ī¸ Their Character, can you cope?
✔ī¸ Genotype (yes oh, even before you start Relationship find out)
✔ī¸ Any psychological/mental problems
✔ī¸ Their life Ideologies, and Mindset.
✔ī¸ Their Family background. Where is he or she from before you go and date your Cousin.

Don't date someone you don't think or you are not sure you can marry.
Before somebody pour you acid tomorrow
