Ministering: Rev. Ben Kpongo

Topic: Prophetic Dominion

Text: Job 1:1-19, 1 King: 22-27, Hebrews 6: 1-6, James 5: 17

 God gave us, the priests, Prophetic Dominion. It is for every believer.

 In order to activate your prophetic dominion, you must first understand that the spiritual world controls the physical world.

 Anything that happens in the physical world is triggered in the spiritual world.

Dimensions Of The Spiritual World.
• The Negative Supernatural

• The Kingdom Of God

 Anyone that does not understand the spiritual world becomes it’s victim.

 The physical world is the effects of what is happening in the Spiritual world.

 Satan likes to operate anonymously, he works through people. Fighting the people being controlled doesn’t solve the problem so we have to solve it at the root which is in the Spiritual world.

 The spirit realm controls the events that happen in the physical realm including the decisions that men make.

 God cannot do anything until he reveals it to the prophet.

 God comes into our life when we invite we and he leaves us when we reject.

 Auto suggestions are thoughts from the spirit realm. It is either from the Holy Spirit or from Demons.

 Prophetic Dominion is having the knowledge, wisdom and skills to influence the events in the physical realm from the spiritual realm.

 Foretelling and Forth telling are the two aspects of prophecy. Foretelling is about the future and Forth telling is taking what God has said and making them come to past.

How To Exercise Prophetic Dominion Ezekiel 37:1-10

• Principle of Prophetic Activation: Provoking the anointing in your life through prayers.

• Principle of Prophetic Revelation: Receiving visions. At times you don’t see it but you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

• Principle of Prophetic Declaration: We declare as we have seen and nothing will stop it from happening.

• Principle of Prophetic Action: Here, whatever you have said, you have to take corresponding actions.

• Principle of Prophetic Manifestation

Tools To Exercise Prophetic Dominion

• The Hand Of God: Anointing is a tool of Prophetic Dominion

• The Word of God: God’s word is powerful.

• Angels (Hebrews 1:10, Psalm 103: 19-2: Ministering Spirits sent to Minister for us. They are the custodians of the word of God and execute it when it is time.
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