I received this mail in my inbox yesterday and I just had to share it because many more people needed to read it.


I have an inspiring message to pass across to you today.

Back in December 2017, I wrote down the message below for myself.


In 2018, commit to doing the difficult things, the things other people run away from the things that scare you...

For it is in doing the difficult things that true progress is going to happen for you.

Think about the things you didn't achieve last year.

You didn't achieve them because you didn't do what it takes

to achieve them or you gave up too easily.


So, let me ask you a question.

Are you living your life doing the same thing you have always done that is not bringing any improvement?

Or are you doing the same thing that the majority of people are doing which is why they are mediocre and poor?

Are you running away from those hard decisions that can change your life but seem scary?


In order for you to move forward in life, you have to change a lot of things in your life.

Personally, I had to change some of my friends.

I had to change my routine.

And I also had to change my work ethics.

Change is scary.

It is not easy.

That is why the majority of people just wake up and do the same easy thing that doesn't bring any improvement to their lives.


Starting a business can improve your life if you get started.

But many people don't do it because it is scary.

They keep listening to the voice in their heads that tells them to do nothing.

'What if you fail?'

Says the voice

Your colleagues, friends and family will laugh at you

So, many people don't do anything.

And a month passes...

Then a year passes...

Then 5 years pass...

And they are still in the same place.

95% of people who read this won't do anything.

They will just read and keep doing the same thing they have always done.

But I know there is a tiny 5% who will take this message seriously and make decisions that will improve their lives.

They are the ones who take responsibility for their lives and do what it takes to be in control of their income and their destiny.

I hope you are one of the 5%.

If you are, then I want to let you know that changing your life starts with reprogramming your mind.

Reprogramming your mind is the most important thing you need to do if you want to improve your income or just get ahead in life.

And reprogramming your mind starts with what you feed your mind on a daily basis.

As a Nigerian who grew up in Nigeria, many of us have to GET RID of the stubborn poverty mindset that has been programmed into us over the years.

This poverty mindset is your number one enemy that keeps dragging you down.

It is why many people keep struggling with their careers or any business they start

Until you begin to attack this mindset and overcome it, majority of the opportunities that come your way will end up the same way.

I know this is a tough truth.

But the earlier you accept it, the better for you.

May God help us all.

~ Toyin Omotosho