Ministering: Pst. Chikamso Nwoba
Topic: The attributes of God
Text: 1 Peter 1 vs 16, Deuteronomy 32 vs 4, Ephesians1 vs 4, Exodus 34 vs 6


1. God is holy: Being without sin, being consecrated, and being set apart. Holiness is God's characteristic and because we are made in his image we have the ability to be holy.

2. God is Just: God is fair in all his ways, imagine if God shows favoritism and reward

3. God is Love: God's love is eternal, we serve a God that gave his only son to save us something many may not be able to do. God's love is sacrificial and committed. God expects us to love like him. Finding a way to reconcile you back to him. God does this all the time.

4. God is Merciful: Mercy is the withholding of a deserved punishment. God continuously forgives. God doesn’t stay angry. He expects us to show mercy to people and not take revenge.

Extending mercy in humble obedience gives you the power to extend relationships with others. He does not stay angry.
