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Key Takeaways From My Interview Today On Arise News Morning Show

On promises to Enugu State
We can deliver plenty but please see it from the perspective of pedigree and practical achievements instead of promises.

On Power
From the private sector, we've been able to build the Aba Integrated Power Project which today is the only project generating and distributing power at the same time since 2014. It's the first of it's kind and is a model for reliable electricity in Nigeria and serving nearly 2/3rds of Abia. This success, is what we'll be bringing to Enugu because we believe electricity is the foundation of all development and growth.

We'll build on the great strides of our beloved Governor, with regards to security. In spite of all the insecurity in various parts of the country, Enugu State has remained peaceful. However, infrastructural development and foreign investment is a crucial way of maintaining security, and evidence suggests that we can do this.

The first time the CEO of General Electric came to Nigeria, we brought him. We signed the agreement that established General Electric in Nigeria. We can do same in Enugu, through our network with several international investors who will engage our people in every aspect of their work here and as you know that means JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.

On Politics and Response to why a man of Integrity like Prof would be entering the Murky Waters of Politics
I call my Governor the beloved Governor because of his peace loving disposition and I believe the Governor will support someone that'll come to add value to the State.
The Governor has said he has any special successor, and that is commendable.

My entry into politics is to SERVE and contribute my quota to national development. Recall that I left the University of Massachusetts to return to serve my country. When technocrats stay on the side, they are accused of not effecting positive change from within, so why not be involved. Actually my first involvement, though brief, led to the establishment of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology and it's viability and sustainability today remains a legacy I'm proud of. I think it is even worse to stay on the sidelines and criticize without making efforts to contribute towards the change you believe in.

On Zoning
Zoning is not in the constitution, so everyone can run. However, there's an agreement that there will be rotation amongst the senatorial zones, and this has been in place since the government of Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani. The Governor believes that in the spirit of fairness that this remains so.

On Sustainability of Investment
Prof cited the Abia IPP which remains sustainable and vibrant due to the installation of expertise management and operations team. This, without his presence in Aba, the company has continued to perform optimally and this is the mark of a sustainable company.

On Assurances
My candidacy does not depend on any assurances from anyone but it does depend on consultations with stakeholders.

On the Failing National Power Grid
I was sad to hear this morning that power has dropped to below 4,000 megawatts and this is very insufficient for a nation of over 200 million. I believe the solution lies in the devolution of power into regional grids. This is not against the constitution, and our work in Aba confirms that this is a sure path to reliable power. The logic is that with regional grids, States can partner with investors to ensure the delivery of optimum, reliable and sustainable electricity that will empower the industries in the States. America's power sustainability is as a result of a network of over a thousand smaller grids and this can be a model for our dear State and nation.

On Oji River Power Station
The Station has been shut because of the cessation of activities at the coal mines in Enugu. Of course, coal mining can still be used to generate power but it shouldn't be limited to Oji. We'll engage multiple means in the development of reliable power in Enugu and our track record shows we can achieve this

We have extremely talented young people and it's out intention to harness this and one way we plan to do so is to establish an institute of research and think-tank. These can project Enugu to the fore of AI and robotics technology to assist manufacturing and creating silicone valley knowledge, jobs and competencies amongst our boys and girls.

On the MOU Agreement amongst Stakeholders concerning next Governor
I participated in the agreement because we all have to come together to ensure a cordial and peaceful primary process. I've never seen politics as do or die, and I'll abide by the tenets of harmony, peace and progress in ensuring that the right and credible candidate emerges. It is not all about me, but my intentions are genuine for the overall progress of the State. So, the MOU was signed in the best of intentions for the State and the party, but of course if some inconsistencies are introduced, though doubtful, then of course we can revisit the issue.

On Security in the South East
On the situation in Anambra, I want to commend the efforts of the Governor, Prof. Soludo and I believe he's doing more to arrest the situation. However, success here relies on the collaboration of all stakeholders. Also, this is why agreements such as the zoning agreement in Enugu should be respected because the leaders are expected to lead by example and toe the line of harmony and peace, so that our people can emulate them. I believe, we'll get it right

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