The contest for the successor to the seat of Governor of Enugu State has become more intense since the release of election guidelines by political parties especially PDP, with the picture getting clearer as to who will be the most electable candidate of all the aspirants in PDP and other parties.

It is from this angle that l wish to dispassionately interrogate the chances of the various aspirants in PDP and the likelihood of their electoral chances in the general election as well as to be a better Governor if elected, given their antecedents and pedigrees.

The discussion cannot be comprehensively discussed without consideration of the demand for zoning by the various Senatorial zones in the State and the further call for micro zoning of the position within each Zone.

The Enugu East and Enugu West Zones have continued to seriously agitate for the zoning with each advancing reasons why her zone has to be favored.
One reason accepted by all the Zones to demand for the slot is the need to promote political equity, fairness and justice.
This demand for justice is also the basis for further demand for micro zoning of the position.

To that end, there are two clear and distinct cultural blocks that are agitating for the slots on basis of the level of injustice they face, one each from the two Senatorial Zones. They are the Awgu micro zone in Enugu West, the Nkanu East micro zone in Enugu East Senatorial Zone.

The Awgu zone which include Aninri Local Government has produced Senator for four consecutive terms while the Nkanu East has never produced Senator for a term. Accordingly, the scale of justice weigh highly in the favour of Nkanu East on basis of Marginalization.

But incidentally, other factors are critical for the choice of the successor from PDP which will impact on the general electoral victory and the favored zone and PDP must take that into account in the choice of their flag bearer.
Some of the other factors are leadership focus, coordination and preparedness to take on a state wide contest, candidacy and general mobilization potentials of the candidate outside just the party members.

Those factors cannot be accessed without taking into account the front line Aspirants from the two zones. Unarguably Prof Bart Nnaji from Nkanu East micro zone and Senator Ike Ekweremmadu from the Awgu micro zone.

First on lesdership focus, Prof. Bart Nnaji has clearly identified job creation as his main focus which he insists will address the multifaceted challenge of improved welfare, and reduce crime in our society thereby improving on security which are the primary responsibility of any government.

This showed leadership focus devoid of the chalatanistic promises of regular politicians who often promises so much and only end up blaming the people for being the reason why they loot their patrimony.

Such clarity lacks from the other candidates. It is still the verbage of the regular politicians that enables them escape and deny their manifestoes after election.

Secondly, Prof. Bart Nnaji campaign programm is well coordinated by taking its bearing from the people. It is a bottom to top agenda. People voluntarily driven program. The Enugu people has owned his aspiration as their aspiration for a better future and a more prosperous Enugu.

Thirdly, the committment of the grass root to drive the Prof Bart Nnaji 2023 Election Agenda has made his declaration spread as an inferno igniting hope in the heart of the grassroot of Enugu State and beyond upon his acceptance of appeal to join the race. This has made voter mobilization a more seamless exercise and obviously to the victory of any party he fly their flag.

On the other hand is the general acceptability of his candidacy and unshaken trust people have in him as a person whose promise can be taken to the bank and it will be honored.
So Nkanu East with him as an aspirant undoubtedly have edge over the Awgu zones by reason of his outstanding credentials.

This is why the Enugu CITIZENRY, mostly non political actors who are interested in supporting the current Governor to make history did purchased PDP Nomination Form for him to assist the Governor in finding a befitting successor and bequeath an enduring and endearing legacy.

Honestly his candidature will obviously outclass that of any other candidature including the impressive credentials of Senator Ike Ekwerammadu who unfortunately has just a one line track record of political appointments and prodded election victories.

“Achievements” propped up not on personal achievement as against the global multi faceted track record achievement of Prof Nnaji which is based on personal initiative and innovation that has attracted global honor to not just Ndi lgbo but Nigeria and Blackman at large.

He is renowned for his skill to innovate and use technology to proffer solution to modern governance challenges. That is why the people across party lines has been clamouring for his candidature which clamour PDP cannot ignore without harming her electoral chances to produce the next Governor of Enugu State.
The leaders of Enugu have also endorsed him against all other aspirants from Nkanu East in interest of equity, fairness and justice for Governor of Enugu State 2023.

Nevertheless, it is possible that a few selfish politicians may be supporting another aspirant from Enugu East out of personal interest and against scale of justice, the very basis on which Enugu East is relying on for her demand for zoning to Enugu East against Enugu West Zone. But Enugu people are wiser than such individuals.

That is why they chose on their own to demand for Prof Nnaji who has capacity for better political leadership, focus, coordination and State wide mobilization capability and acceptability to drive a Gubernatorial contest to victory through basically any party given the peoples’ appetite for a continued progressive government and desire to key into the Soludo mantra political whirlwind in Igboland.
This opportunity is a golden chance for Enugu State given the well intentioned desire of the Governor to do justice to the Nkanu East block and sustain Gubernatorial Zoning arrangements in Enugu State.

The block voting strength of the Nkanu no doubt is also a factor in favour of the Prof Bart Nnaji candidature in general election.
Such “Union votes” have in the past been responsible for the success of Jim and Chimaroke and Ken Nnamani in Nkanu politics. The voters are also now poised to vote for one of their best who has the title of Onwa Nkanu.
The Prof’s ticket is also expected to receive reciprocal support from the former Governors and the other key Stakeholders like Ken Nnamani all of whom he has mobilized his people to support their elections in the past as well as all the past political elected and current serving officers.

There is also a new thinking that Nkanu East micro Zoning mantra will amount to a farce if it is without equity within the Local government.
To them, their paramater for alliance is cultural block-based and they insist that all indices are in favour of Prof Bart Nnaji given his local pedigree and global achievement and his unrivalled capacity to deliver on such job.

So the fight for PDP ticket is likely to be a straight fight between Prof. Bart Nnaji of Enugu East Senatorial Zone and Senator Ike Ekweremmadu of Enugu West Senatorial zone.

The best from the two contending zones were lke to push his ambition to the primary. Were it to be the case, once again on candidate to candidate credential comparison, the candidature of Prof. Bart Nnaji towers above the Distinguished Senator Ike Ekwerammadu candidature.
Besides, while Prof Nnaji enjoys the Nkanu block votes, the Enugu West Zones is highly divided against the Ekweremmadu candidature. Most argue that his ambition is merely self serving and lacks any altruistic flavour at all.

Another factor going for Prof Nnaji is the integrity test. He has no issue of distracting security invitations.

Prof. Bart Nnaji, transparency, purposefulness, national patriotism and humility are hallmark of his character. To him Integrity is a commodity.

Those factors are the sterling qualities that stands out Prof Bart Nnaji besides the fact that Enugu North Senatorial Zones leaders will prefer to support a tested hand and an achiever who is like one of their own by reason of his previous political alliance to the zone in the past and as a beneficiary of their political support under H. E Okwezilieze GOVERNORSHIP.

Also his non membership of any violent prone organization nor known to have promoted violence as a means of governance and high level of civility and disposition to respect institutions and his good standing among non Governmental Organization including religious bodies as well as his global recognition is a guarantee that the Enugu people will not be intimidated with power as was once part of the dark history of Enugu State.
There will remain in place freedom of speech and Press and respect to rule of law and fundamental human rights.

The Party delegates are enjoined to join with their votes to let the Enugu Dream become a reality during their life time and through their patrotic generational game changing votes.

According to Adolf Hitler in his book ” Mein karf”, “WHAT LUCK THE RULER HAS BECAUSE THE PEOPLE DO NOT THINK”.

The PDP has to join the Governor to sustain the peace, freedom and steady progress the loving People of Enugu State is enjoying under the present Governor by ensuring that Bart Nnaji becomes the governor of Enugu state come 2023.

Source: amcnews24
