Everyday, people visit thousands of websites to get news updates and read up other important articles.

If you're looking for an alternate traffic channel, you should seriously consider getting your ads displayed on these high traffic websites.

How can you easily get this done without contacting each of the website owners?

It is through Ad Networks.

Ad Networks are a central platform that connect both Advertisers and Content Publishers or bloggers (as most people call them).

From an Ad Network, you can have your ads displayed on many high traffic websites within minutes; thereby saving you both time and money.

In 2016, we developed an Ad Network (ngadverts.com) that is helping both us and many other businesses reach new audiences and achieve their marketing goals.

With NG Adverts, you can choose from an array of different pricing types(Cost Per Click, Cost Per Mille, Cost Per Action/Acquisition , Cost Per Day and Cost Per View).

Choosing the right pricing type, putting up the right ad descriptive, setting the right targeting and your landing page are all important parts that will greatly determine the outcome of your ad campaign.

So if you are looking for a new traffic channel, join us at ngadverts.com and sign up as an Advertiser.

PS: We have used the reach of our Ad Network to grow the network organically into thousands of users.
We have also had our own fair share of trial and error before discovering the optimal campaign types and descriptives that bring us result.

In summary, you must be willing to run some ad campaign tests to understand the optimal settings that bring you consistent results; this same principle is applicable in all Ad platforms.
So run your ads and keep tweaking your settings till you find what works best for you.

We are also available to help guide you setup your ad campaigns for best results; but you must be willing/patient to make changes till you get what works for you.

Without further ado, see you at ngadverts.com

#adnetwork #ngadverts #digitalmarketing #onlineadvertising
