New WhatsApp Feature

The reason why we use sms to get our messages delivered is because of its high delivery rate; and also because recipients don't need to have a smart phone to get your message.

However, due to the NCC policy introduced in 2016, sms delivery rates have dropped drastically as some numbers were automatically added into the DND pool.

Well, Whatsapp is here and new studies show that:
- Over 2billion people use WhatsApp
- Over 100billion messages are sent everyday
- The average time spent on Whatsapp is 38minutes

This data simply means that more and more people now use smart phones and WhatsApp as their primary mode of communication.

So with this data, shouldn't you also be reaching out to your recipients via WhatsApp?

As opposed to sms, WhatsApp gives you more space to write your message.
Your message can come as Text, Images or Video; these are things you obviously can't do via sms.

It is with this data that we have created a WhatsApp Bulk Sender portal to enable you send out messages to your recipients easily.
Sending Whatsapp broadcast messages via your phone limits you to batches of 256 contacts, but our portal allows you to do much more.

Here are other things you can do with our portal:
1. Ability to create Autoresponders
2. Ability to create Chatbots. Chatbots work like a step by step guide that lead your recipients to take specific actions.
3. An anti-block feature that will keep your number safe from being banned
4. Ability to manage lots of WhatsApp numbers from one account
5. Ability to schedule messages to be sent at a later date whether you are online or not. This is perfect for sending reminders and important notifications you don't want to forget.

... and a whole lot more features are in the works.

Are we saying you should stop using sms to send your messages? No!

Instead, use Whatsapp messaging to compliment the use of sms. If you send messages to numbers on DND, they won't receive them; but if you also send the message via Whatsapp, they will receive it if they use a smartphone and have Whatsapp installed.

If you want to see our Chatbot at work, click this link -, send the pre-programmed message and follow the directions presented to you.

To sign up and try out our WhatsApp portal, visit

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any other enquiry.

Best regards!
