Men and brethren, we don't seem to realize the gravity of the issue we have at hand.
When I talk about intentional parenting and how we control to the minutest detail what my children are exposed to, I know what I'm talking about.

What you see right here is not about poverty, it is about parents who have/are not doing their home work.

Instead of weeping or "wiping" for this generation, we need to start taking action.

When you see a child doing the wrong thing, caution that child; let it be that the parents confronted you about cautioning their child, then we will know what step to take from that point.

If you have come quite close to me, you will know that I don't hold back when it comes to cautioning people of all ages who are misbehaving - whether young or old; because I understand that when bad things are allowed to go unchecked, it becomes a tradition.

Let this be a wake up call to all of us who believe that the right things should be done at all times.
What goes around, comes around.
That young chap you decided not to talk to might end up discipling your children or worse still, you or any of your loved ones might become their victims.

Now is not the time to complain, now is the time to take action for the future of our children and nation at large.

It still takes a village to train a child.